Our optometrists are confident that you’ll enjoy wearing contact lenses.  The best way to find out is to try them in your work, socially, or whilst playing sports.

Once you have had your initial contact lens assessment, your optometrist will recommend a lens best suited to your lifestyle and needs.  Then we’ll give you a pair of monthly disposable contact lenses with the cleaning solution, or five pairs of daily contact lenses to try.

The contact lens trial process:

  1. Initial assessment of your eye health
  2. Discuss your needs and requirements personnel to your lifestyle
  3. Your optometrist will insert your contact lenses for you
  4. Give you an opportunity to feel the comfort and check your vision
  5. Once you’ve had them in your eyes for 30 minutes, your optometrist will check the fitting of the contact lens and ensure you are happy with the feel and vision
  6. They will book you in, to teach you how to insert and remove contact lenses, and demonstrate how to look after them
  7. See you again within one month, to discuss your experience and feedback

If you decide to proceed, we have numerous contact lens schemes to suit your needs